
杰克逊的大学 offers an honors curricular program and the opportunity to join the world’s 最大, 最有声望的, oldest honors society for community college students; Phi Theta Kappa.  The PTK Honors program provides you with enhanced educational opportunities, 最佳班级规模, 创新课程, 个人建议和独特的实习机会, scholarships and transfer with four-year colleges and universities. As an honors student, you can help shape the program for the students who follow. 你将进入一个学生社区, faculty and administrators committed to the shared ideals of academic excellence, 领导, 求知欲, 相互尊重.



PTK荣誉@2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站丰富了课堂体验.  学生将探索领导力档案, 被选入Phi Theta Kappa, 并且有机会获得转学奖学金.  PTK Honors is for students who seek to achieve a competitive edge within their pathway.

  • 关于PTK


    • Rewards students’ 求知欲 through deepening 研究 methods, 特殊的人, and co-curricular events where students practice and hone service learning skills to the college and community.
    • Enhances major/career pathway scholarship through honors components and adds a collaborative capstone project.
    • Engages with the College and Community through projects in which students will enhance their skills as thinkers, 作家, 和领导人.
    • 荣誉学生在这个2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站中形成了一个紧密联系的群体. 除了一起上荣誉课程, honors students attend social and academic events through the Phi Theta Kappa chapter at 杰克逊的大学.

    第一学期 第二学期

    250领导力发展研究(3 BCH)

    SEM 251 - 1学分(1 BCH)


    独立研究- 2学分(2 BCH)

    通径驱动课程 通径驱动课程
    通径驱动课程 通径驱动课程

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is an international honorary society for students of two-year colleges.  The society is comprised of more than 1400 chapters internationally and our college chapter, 的, 在前100名吗.  Phi Theta Kappa is centered around four hallmarks: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service.

Phi Theta Kappa


比较领域 PTK荣誉@2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站 Phi Theta Kappa


PTK荣誉@2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站 supports academically motivated students, 强调批判性思维, 研究, 以及领导力发展. The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars 和领导人.


PTK荣誉@2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站 is newly launching in Fall 2021, with a streamlined curriculum. 成立于1918年, PTK是最老的, 最大, and 最有声望的 honor society serving two-year college students around the world. JC自1965年起就有PTK分会.  Our college President, Daniel Phelan, sits on the PTK Board of Directors.


To join PTK荣誉@2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站 a student must have 12 credit hours at JC, achieve a 3.5或更高的累积GPA,并注册SEM 250.

一次性费用25美元.00 at the time of enrollment in SEM 250 to be applied toward Phi Theta Kappa membership.  Each student that enrolls in PTK荣誉@2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站 receives a $70 to pay for the remainder of their PTK membership fee.

  • 会员 in Phi Theta Kappa is offered to eligible students by invitation only.
  • 资格基于3.5 or above GPA and completion of 12 credit hours at 杰克逊的大学.
  • 费用:一次性95美元.终身会员费00美元.
  • 两年制大学有1400个Phi Theta Kappa分会,超过3个.500万会员.


  • 作为2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站PTK荣誉会员, students receive all of the benefits of being a member of PTK while receiving an honors level education with 创新课程 and enhanced advising.
  • Choosing and creating an individual capstone 研究 project while working with a professor in a pathway of your choice.
  • Being active in student life and the opportunity to attend regional and/or national Phi Theta Kappa conferences.
  • PTK membership only costs $25 instead of the normal $95 thanks to the 杰克逊的大学 Foundation scholarship.
  • 在大学入学典礼上的表彰.
  • 在你的大学文凭上盖Phi Theta Kappa的官方印章.
  • 在你的大学成绩单上注明会员资格.
  • Recognition by wearing Phi Theta Kappa commencement regalia during college graduation.
  • 奖学金和转学机会.
  • Exclusive PTK programs that provide self-paced professional development & 对各个领域的洞察力, 例如:, 专业发展, 医疗保健, 转移, 和研究.


Students are required to take 6 honors credits:  SEM 250 (3 credits), SEM 251 (1 credit), & 顶点独立研究(2学分). 我们的分会不要求参加活动.  The time a member devotes to Phi Theta Kappa is a matter of individual choice.  Some members choose to devote many hours to chapter activities; others may not participate at all.


91 percent of Phi Theta Kappa members complete their associate degrees and/or transfer to a four-year college compared to 38 percent of non-PTK students within the US.